Yuma Aoyagi


Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Backslide Roll-Up

Reverses a Knee Strike with a Japanese Leg Roll Clutch

Japanese Leg Roll Clutch

Reverses a Brainbuster with a Small Package Roll-Up

European Uppercut

European Uppercurts

Elbow Smash

Elbow Smashes

Elbow Smashes + European Uppercut

Flying Elbow Smash

Running Corner Back Elbow

Running Corner Back Elbows

Running Corner Elbow Smash

Corner Springboard Body Attack

Diving Body Attack

Diving Elbow Drop


Fujiwara Armbar

Figure Four Leg Lock

Ankle Hold

Apron Single Knee Drop on the Arm to the Outside

Dragon Screw

DDT on the Apron

Apron DDT to the Outside

Reverses a Powerbomb with a DDT


Low Dropkick to the Leg

Diving Dropkick to the Leg


Double Dropkick

Thrust Kick

Thrust Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

German Suplex

Snap German Suplex

German Suplex Hold

Snap German Suplex Hold

Locomotion German Suplex

Thrust Kick + Locomotion German Suplex

Avalanche Brainbuster

Blocks a Knee Strike + Elbow Smash + Spin Kick

Spin Kick

Rockstar Buster

Reverses a Backdrop Suplex with a Front Neck Lock

Reverses a German Suplex with a Front Neck Lock

Reverses a Package German Suplex with a Front Neck Lock

Front Neck Lock

End Game