
Entrance with Title

Ring Introduction

Ring Introduction with Title

Backstage Talk


Promo with Title

Outside Throw to the Barricade

Reverses a Deadlift German Suplex with a Wheelbarrow Roll Up

Throws Opponent into Another at the Corner

Throw to the Ring Post

Multiple Slaps

Elbow Drop

Back Elbow Strike

Elbow Smash

Rolling Lariat

Diving Lariat

Lariat to a Opponent on the Apron


Kitchen Sink

Rope-Hung Back Double Knee Press

Running Back Knee Strike to a Opponent on the Ropes

Reverses a Plancha with a Knee Strike

Rope-Hung Kick

KENTA Combo + Leg Lariat

Leg Lariat

Spinning Middle Kick

Multiple Middle Kicks

Corner Middle Kick

Middle Kick

Snapmare + Soccer Kick

Body Slam + Soccer Kick

Escapes from a Dropkick + Soccer Kick

Soccer Kick

Multiple Koutoubou Kicks to a Seated Opponent

Koutoubou Kick to a Kneeling Opponent

Big Boot

Springboard Missile Dropkick + Corner Big Boot

Corner Big Boot

Springboard Missile Dropkick + Corner Big Boot + Low Dropkick

Springboard Missile Dropkick + Corner Low Dropkick

Corner Low Dropkick

Corner Big Boot + Low Dropkick

Reverses a Leapfrog with a Single Leg Dropkick

Springboard Missile Dropkick

Outside Rope-Hung Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Back

Outside Diving Double Foot Stomp

Diving Double Foot Stomp to the Outside

Diving Double Foot Stomp


Reverses a Superkick with a STF


Back Body Drop

Tornado Hotshot


Dragon Screw

Outside Gourdbuster to the Barricade

Kneeling Powerbomb

Outside Brainbuster

Tiger Suplex Hold

Outside Scoop Powerslam

Scoop Powerslam


Rope-Hung DDT

Reverses a Pinfall with a GAME OVER


Busaiku Knee Kick

Ura Go 2 Sleep

Reverses a Sleeper Hold with a Go 2 Sleep

Koutoubou Kick to a Seated Opponent + Go 2 Sleep

Go 2 Sleep